Dentbay enables dentists to purchase dental supplies, equipment, products, and services online. It offers various dental consumable materials used by General dental practitioner as well as other specialized dental fraternity. provides a wide range of dental products which include dental files, composite, resins, and dental cements, various types impression materials, trays, waxes, artificial teeth, burs, apex locator, RVG, Intra oral camera, Endomotor, compressor, UV Chamber, autoclaves, etc.
The company also supplies various surgical and non-surgical instruments with active dental companies.
To help dentists to shop on a move, Dentbay has developed specialized mobile platform apps which are available on google play store for android phones and on apple app-store for iPhone & iPad's.
Dentbay is creating exclusive relationships with Manufacturers and dealers across India, which gives convenience to its customers while ordering multiple brands at just one platform.
Our nationwide delivery capabilities, high-quality customer service support and scalable technology infrastructure enabled Dentbay to provide a compelling online shopping experience to its customers.
Our Vision
"To accelerate progress in dental health industry by uniting dental professionals and dental business with technology”.
Phone: 08800320602
Dentbay memungkinkan dokter gigi untuk membeli perlengkapan gigi, peralatan, produk, dan layanan online. Menawarkan berbagai bahan habis pakai gigi yang digunakan oleh dokter gigi umum serta persaudaraan gigi khusus lainnya. menyediakan berbagai macam produk gigi yang meliputi file gigi, komposit, resin, dan semen gigi, berbagai bahan jenis kesan, nampan, lilin, gigi tiruan, burs, puncak locator, RVG, lisan kamera Intra, Endomotor, kompresor, UV Chamber, otoklaf, dll
Perusahaan ini juga memasok berbagai instrumen bedah dan non-bedah dengan perusahaan gigi aktif.
Untuk membantu dokter gigi untuk berbelanja di bergerak, Dentbay telah mengembangkan aplikasi mobile platform khusus yang tersedia di google play store untuk ponsel android dan apple app-store untuk iPhone & iPad.
Dentbay adalah menciptakan hubungan eksklusif dengan Produsen dan dealer di seluruh India, yang memberikan kemudahan kepada pelanggan sambil memesan beberapa merek di hanya satu platform.
kemampuan pengiriman nasional, berkualitas tinggi dukungan layanan pelanggan kami dan infrastruktur teknologi scalable memungkinkan Dentbay untuk memberikan pengalaman belanja online yang menarik kepada pelanggan.
Visi kami
"Untuk mempercepat kemajuan dalam industri kesehatan gigi dengan menyatukan para dokter gigi dan bisnis gigi dengan teknologi”.
Telepon: 08800320602